Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Saiga antelope | Kazakhstan

The Saiga antelope is a critically endangered antelope which during antiquity inhabited a vast area of the Eurasian steppe. Today this species is only found in one region in Russia and three areas in Kazakhstan.

Saryarka – Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The 200,000 ha Central Asian steppe areas included in the property provide a valuable refuge for over half the species of the region’s steppe flora, a number of threatened bird species and the critically endangered Saiga antelope.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Laxey Wheel | Isle of Man

The Laxey Wheel, also known as Lady Isabella, is the largest working waterwheel in the world. The wheel is built into the hillside above the village of Laxey in the Isle of Man.

It  was built in 1854 to pump water from the Glen Mooar part of the Great Laxey Mines industrial complex. It was named "Lady Isabella" after the wife of Lieutenant Governor Charles Hope, who was the island's governor at that time.

Thank you James!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Danxia Landscape | China

China Danxia is the name given in China to landscapes developed on continental red terrigenous sedimentary beds influenced by endogenous forces (including uplift) and exogenous forces (including weathering and erosion). source: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1335/

China Danxia is a UNESCO World Heritage site.


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