Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brazilian waterfall

Caracol Falls, or Cascata do Caracol, is a 426-foot (130 meter) waterfall about 7 km from Canela, Brazil in Caracol State Park. Canela, meaning Cinnamon in Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian, is a town located in the Serra Gaúcha of Rio Grande do Sul. Rio Grande do Sul ( "Great River of the South") is the southernmost state in Brazil.

(left) Obra Desaparecida means Missing Artwork. This is a missing painting called Marcel Gontrau by brazilian artist Candido Portinari (December 29, 1903 - February 6, 1962). He was one of the most important Brazilian painters and also a prominent and influential practitioner of the neo-realism style in painting.

(right) The stamp shows a panoramic view of the Itaipu hydroelectric power plant, a strong token of the close relations between Brazil and Paraguay.


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