Sunday, November 20, 2011

Arc de Triumph from Tyre, Lebanon

Tyre is the fourth largest city of Lebanon. It was an island in ages past, celebrated for its beauty.

Tyre emerges today from the debris of centuries. Excavations on the site have uncovered remains of the Crusader, Arab, Byzantine and Graeco-Roman cities.
The Greeks believed that various aspects of their civilization had their origin in Tyre. The introduction of the alphabet into Greece was attributed to Cadmus of Tyre, and it was Europa, the sister of Cadmus, who gave her name to the continent.

(left) from a series of 10 stamps with different themes, Civil Defence

(right) René Moawad (1925 – 1989) was President of Lebanon for 17 days in 1989 when he was assassinated by unknowns.

Thx Steve!



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