Monday, December 5, 2011

A poscard from Namibia: Dunes near Sesriem, Namib desert

Sesriem gets its name from early pioneers, who wanted to get water from the canyon. They had to tie six leather thongs to the handle of their buckets, in order to draw water from pools that were inaccessible to their livestock. These thongs were called 'leer riems' in Afrikaans, 'ses' being six in the same language. The area soon became known as 'Ses Rieme' or Sesriem.

The Namib Desert is a desert in Namibia and southwest Angola that forms part of the Namib-Naukluft National Park, the largest game reserve in Africa. The name "Namib" is of Nama origin and means "vast place". Having endured arid or semi-arid conditions for at least 55 million years, it is considered to be the oldest desert in the world. (source: Wikipedia)

From a set of three stamps: Aloes of Namibia.


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