Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Postcards from Bujumbura, Burundi

Hotel Club de Vacances
The Republic of Burundi is a small landlocked country in east central Africa, bordering Rwanda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Burundi has a tropical highland climate and is a hilly and mountainous country with a plateau in its eastern part and some plains along the shore of Lake Tanganyika.

Burundi was a kingdom until the late 19th century when it became a German colony. After Germany was defeated in World War I, the control was handed to Belgium and Burundi, together with Rwanda, became a part of the Belgian colonial empire and was known as Ruanda-Urundi. Upon gaining its independence in 1962, the country legally changed its name to Burundi.

Bujumbura is the capital and largest city and main port of Burundi.
Hotel Source du Nil
(left) from a set of 5 about flaura and fauna(2008): ‘Fleurs d’Erythrine’
(right)  from a set of 8 stamps about birds of prey (2011): the Western Osprey


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