Friday, October 11, 2013

Little miss Keti Koti contest, Suriname

On 1 July 1863, slavery was abolished in the former Dutch colonies of Suriname and the Dutch Antilles. This ended a period of around 200 years of slavery in these colonies. Keti Koti, meaning 'Broken Chains' in Surinam language, is an annual event to celebrate and commemorate this day.
The Netherlands was one of the last countries to abolish slavery in 1863. Although the decision was made in 1848, it took many years for the law to be implemented. Furthermore, slaves in Suriname would be fully free only in 1873, since the law stipulated that there was to be a mandatory 10-year transition.

(left) The Dusky Parrot is a medium sized parrot that can be found in some South American countries.
(right) The Strawberry Poison Frog
       THX Cheryll!


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