Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Kutná Hora | Czech Republic

The church of Saint Barbara in Kutná Hora, Czech Republic, is a Gothic jewel whose interior is decorated with frescoes depicting the secular life of the medieval mining town.  The local underground chapel is renowned for its very specific decoration made of human bones, of which there are more than 40,000.

Due to the intensive mining activity, Kutná Hora for many years faced the problem of drinking water supplies. Water was brought to the town from its surroundings by a system of wooden piping several kilometers long. The piping flowed into tanks from where the water was drawn. In 1493-95, Master Brikcí built a twelve sided stone structure, richly decorated with tracery and pinnacles atop the tank. This stone fountain is a fine example of late Gothic architecture.

Kutná Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec is a UNESCO World Heritage site.


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