Sunday, December 2, 2018

Fort of Graça | Portugal

The Garrison Town of Elvas was fortified extensively from the 17th to the 19th centuries to become the largest bulwarked dry ditch system in the world, with outlying forts built on surrounding hills to accommodate the changing needs of defensive warfare.

In the 18th century the Fort of Graça (Nossa Senhora da Graça Fort) was constructed in response to the development of longer-range artillery, as well as four fortlets to the west.

The Fort of Graça is part of UNESCO World Heritage site Garrison Border Town of Elvas and its Fortifications.

Amoreira Aqueduct
Historic Centre of Elvas
Fort of Santa Luzia and the covered way
Fort of Graça
Fortlet of São Mamede
Fortlet of São Pedro
Fortlet of São Domingos


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