Friday, January 20, 2012

Tela, a postcard from the Honduras Carribbean coast

Tela is a popular destination for Hondurans on holidays.

Tela was founded by the conquistador Cristobal de Olid the third of May 1524. Because of the date, which the Catholic Religion dedicates as the day of the Holy Cross, the city was given the name of Triunfo de la Cruz (Triumph of the Cross). As it was a rather long name, it was soon abbreviated as T. de la +, and by 1829 it was referred to as Tela.

There are historians who say that the origin of the name is a contraction of Tetela, which in the Nahua language means "land of hills and craggy mountains."

From a set of three stamps, National symbols from Honduras, the White Tailed Deer.


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