Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Bernina Express, Switzerland

The Bernina Express is a train connecting Switzerland with Italy by crossing the Swiss Alps. For most of its journey, the train also passes along and through the World Heritage Site known as the Rhaetian Railway.

With its 196 bridges and viaducts, 55 tunnels and 128 km of track, the railway is a miracle of technology – an achievement that, even a hundred years after it was built, continues to fascinate. It is the highest altitude transalpine railway in Europe and one of the steepest adhesion railways in the world.

The postcard pictures Wiesen Viaduct, spanning the Landwasser River. The viaduct is 88 metres (289 ft) high and 204 metres (669 ft) long.

Vegetable Blossoms – Tomato (issued 2012)


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