Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Guyana, Scenes of the Interior

Guyana is located in South America. It borders Venezuela, Brazil, Suriname and the Atlantic Ocean. Guyana is known for its rich bio-diversity, particularly bird species. The inaccessibility of Guyana’s tropical rainforest is fundamental to the survival of some of the world’s most endangered species such as the Harpy Eagle, Cock of the Rock, Arapaima, Giant Otter, Giant Anteater, Jaguar and Black Caiman.
In Guyana, with more than 250 species of mammals and 1,000 species of birds, spreading across 275 waterfalls, four mountain ranges, eighteen lakes and numerous waterways, any wildlife adventure is possible.

Least Grebes are found in a wide variety of wetland habitats, including freshwater ponds, lakes, roadside ditches, and mangrove swamps. 


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