The Torre de San Martín is a medieval structure in Teruel, Aragon, northern Spain. Built in Aragonese Mudéjar style in 1316. Mudejar art is a mixture of Islamic traditional style and contemporary European styles, particularly the Gothic.

Mudejar Architecture of Aragon is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The property comprises ten religious and secular monuments in the provinces of Teruel and Zaragoza:
- tower, roof, and cimborio of the Cathedral of Santa María de Mediavilla de Teruel
- tower and church of San Pedro de Teruel
- church tower of San Martín de Teruel
- church tower of Salvador de Teruel
- apse, cloister, and tower of the collegiate church of Santa María de Calatayud
- parish church of Santa Tecla de Cervera de la Cañada
- church of Santa María de Tobed
- the surviving Mudéjar features of the Aljafería Palace of Zaragoza
- tower and parish church of San Pablo de Zaragoza and
- the apse, parroquieta, and cimborio of la Seo de Zaragoza.
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