Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Images du...Gabon

Gabon is a country located on the west coast of Central Africa. It is bordered by Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo. The population is estimated at 1.5 million people. The capital is Libreville (free town).

Over 80 percent of Gabon is tropical rain forest. A common plant is the Hibiscus, a genus of flowering plants. Traditional medicine is still widespread in Gabon. Here we see a local medicin man(N'ganga) in Oyem, a town in northern Gabon. The Ogooué (or Ogowe) is the principal river of Gabon. The pirogue (a type of canoe) is still an important way of transportation.

Spathodea campanulata, is commonly known as the Fountain Tree or African Tulip Tree and is native to tropical dry forests of Africa. 

It took almost 10 months for this card to reach its destination. Well, Gabon is far away, but….. there is another reason for this delay. Our local mailman decided not to deliver all of the mail, but save some in his garage. He was caught recently and some days ago I received 60 postcards in my mailbox. My missing postcard since 2011! 


Ola said...

It's great that he has been caught and you finally received your missing postcards ;) I know excatly how does it feel to wait for some postcards for so long :( Today I received a parcel from Dominica. (We officialy swapped 1,5 year ago, but parcel for me was sent 7 months ago).

Best wishes from Poland,

postcardsvoyage said...

My longest waiting time for the postcard was 7 months, from Brunei (sent in Dec 2012 and received in Jul 2013). It looks like it was not the fault of the local post, I really wonder where it was travelling for so long... Congratulations with all the received cards!

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