Thursday, April 21, 2016

Historic centre of Graz | Austria

The historic centre of Graz, Austria’s second largest city, is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  The city's "Old Town" is one of the best-preserved city centres in Central Europe.
On the hill in the background you see the “Grazer Uhrturm” (Clocktower of Graz).It was built in 1560. Its dial’s are over five meters in diameter!

Ship's propeller – Josef Ressel. Part of a series of stamps about Austrian Inventions.


Birgit said...

I have been to Graz more than once and it is a beautiful city. My Grandparents and Aunt and Uncle emigrated from Germany to Graz in the 1950's. I have been up that "hill" more than once and my cousin still lives there...right in the city centre.

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