Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tour de Bangladesh in three postcards.

Postcard #1
Lalbagh Fort
The capital city Dhaka predominantly was a city of the Mughals. In hundred years of their vigorous rule successive Governors and princely Viceroys who ruled the province, adorned it with many noble monuments in the shape of magnificent palaces, mosques, tombs, fortifications and Katras often surrounded with beautifully laid out gardens and pavillions. Among these, a few have survived the ravages of time, aggressive tropical climate of the land and vandal hands of man. But the finest specimen of this period is the Aurangabad Fort, commonly known as Lalbagh Fort.

It contains within its fortified. perimeter a number of splendid monuments, surrounded by attractive garden. These are, a small 3-domed mosque, the mausoleum of Bibi Pari, the reputed daughter of Nawab Shaista Khan and the Hammam and Audience Hall of the Governor.
The main purpose of this fort, was to provide a defensive enclosure of the palatial edifices of the interior and as such was a type of palace-fortress rather than a seize-fort.

Strangely the stamps were attached to the front of the postcard. As you can see on the other two postcards. (Yes, I received 3 today!)  I think because they are fairly large stamps. But very loosely so I could remove them with the tip of my finger. It’s a miracle they stayed on.  

Inauguration of Probashi Kallyan Bank (expatriates' welfare bank)
There are around 8 million skilled and unskilled Bangladeshi migrants are working in more than 108 countries starting from Middle East to the Far East and also Europe to North America. Wage earners contribute almost 15% in our gross domestic product (G.D.P) through sending hard earned remittance to Bangladesh. But the progression in this booming foreign currency-earning sector has been following a regressional course than a progressional one due to several reasons. The migration cost in Bangladesh is very high compared with that of other labor sending countries of South Asia.

Probashi Kallyan Bank will operate as a specialized bank for benefit and welfare of the wage earners. Its main focus of emphasis will be the facilitator for the out bound workers, swift and safe remittance of their wages and rehabilitation of the retrenched workers. This bank will be an institution enriched with modern IT technology and professionally skilled employees.

Postcard #2
Foy's Lake is a man-made lake in Chittagong, Bangladesh. It was dug in 1924 and was named after the Railway engineer Foy. An amusement park, managed by the Concord group, is located here. The lake is next to Batali Hill, the highest hill in Chittagong Metropolitan area.

Postcard #3
Hilsa Fishing in Padma.

Hilsa locally known as Ilish, the fish has been designated as the national fish of Bangladesh. Body length may reach up to 60 cm, but commonly found specimens measure 35 to 40 cm. A large-sized hilsa weighs about 2.5 kg. The hilsa is known to be a fast swimmer, and attains maturity in one to two years.

The Padma is a major trans-boundary river in Bangladesh. It is the main distributary of the Ganges, which originates in the Himalayas.


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