Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tiny Island in the South Pacific: Norfolk Island

Norfolk Island is a small island in the Pacific Ocean located between Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. It has 2,300 inhabitants living on a total area of about 35 km2. 

The upper picture in the middle shows Phillip Island. An uninhabited island located just 6 km south of Norfolk Island that is part of the Norfolk Island group. The island is an oasis for the thousands of sea birds that regularly visit Phillip Island.

From left to right.
Norfolk Island shore lines: Second Sands beach (issue 2013).
Seashells of Norfolk Island: Violet Snail and Ram's Horn shell (issued 2011).
Seabirds of Norfolk Island: the Black Noddy and the Sooty Tern (issued 2006). The latter is found in large numbers on offshore Phillip Island. 


postcardsvoyage said...

Very nice stamps!

Kinga On Tour said...

Nice postcard :)

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